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     Affidaci i tuoi progetti,  ci occupiamo di  +39 - 328 73 20 382                   


The company I.T.C.C. FZ-LLC is the result of the synergy of three experts in the construction industry, in particular in the sectors of dry modular systems, thermal and acoustic insulation and interior finishes. After many years of experience, every one in their own sector and with their own professional skills, come together under the same name, creating a company, I.T.C.C. FZ-LCC, the Italian Technological Construction Company, active in the design and implementation of specialised works. I.T.C.C., one of a kind, for the first time in the industry brings together three categories of professionals under one roof, involving the best of the production of construction materials in the market, the best in the technical direction for the execution of the work and one of the best technical-commercial references internationally. The prevalent works carried out, including those of considerable size as well, are mostly the following ones: Design and construction of industrial factories, hospitals, schools, hotels, residences, shopping centres, in which  in addition to the structural part interior finishes such as walls, plasterboard, false ceilings, floors, wall tiles, mobile walls, technical floors, raised floors, PVC floors, Passive Fire Protection, thermoacoustic insulation, waterproofing, facade coatings, paintings and building works in general play a key role. The operational headquarters are located in the RAS-AL-KHAIMAH government offices, in the United Arab Emirates, with a representative office inside the government building. Dealer of leading brands at international level, I.T.C.C. provides products of certified reliability and high technology, using, in the installation, its own highly specialized personnel. We would be honoured to be included in your list of suppliers of the following works of which we are specialized and have over 20 years of experience. VISION Promote the development of the national and international territory, offering our know-how to the construction of the future. MISSION Provide our customers technically advanced solutions, extremely performing and low-cost solutions. Understand and listen to the needs of our customers, providing them with all our experience in problem solving, making the cost of the work into an investment for the future.

Our company come from a experience of 20 years in Italy and Europe. From the 2008 the administration has decided to develop his business in the Middle East. 


When Alberto Postiglione, the CEO,  has decided to invest and work in the United Arab Emirates has restored his team, and gathered around himself a new team of high efficiency of various fields, and in 2014 has found its modern company ITALIAN CONSTRUCTION TECNOLOGICAL COMPANY FZE - LLC fze   in Ras Al Khaimah. To work in the field of investment, services, consultancy and studies ... depended on the great experiments that he contracted in his meetings with his new collaborators and consultants ITALIAN CONSTRUCTION TECNOLOGICAL COMPANY FZE - LLC  become a name to look good in the real estate market in the UAE.

Our Objectives

Our first objective is the Customer satisfaction always, based on a friendly and honest relationship. 

We are committed our offer: 

  • Expert technical advice to meet any need ;
  • Continuous upadating on the work progress, from the tests to the completion and delivery;
  • Best final product, as the result if the selection of the best materials on national and international markets; 
  • Supervision during the construction and guarantee of a reallu well done job carried out by qualified staff


  • Home building 
  • Tertiary and business building
  • Urban architecture
  • Infrastructure
  • sport center

In 2013 Alberto Postiglione has founded "IL SOLE DI ALBERTO" a new company in Bulgaria specialized in: 

  • Renewable sources
  • Buildings
  • Infrastructure
  • Modern Heating and Air conditioning services 


brochure inglese arabo.pdf
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ITALIAN CONSTRUCTION TECNOLOGICAL COMPANY FZE - LLC is a building company operating in United Arab Emirates able to realize any kind of building from private to business and infrastructure for public administration

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RAS AL KHAIMAH United Arab Emirates